Journaling prompts for winter
Use the winter solstice as a time to reflect and pause with these winter journaling prompts.
Journaling prompts for autumn
Autumn journal prompts for change and abundance.
Finding acceptance with ME/CFS or chronic illness
Once we learn to find acceptance with ME/CFS or chronic illness, we end some of our suffering and help recovery.
Journaling prompts for overwhelm
Use these journal prompts to understand and soothe overwhelm, whilst building resilience.
How to keep hope in healing from M.E/CFS and chronic symptoms
To inspire and offer hope to keep going when recovering from M.E/CFS, here’s how I kept hope in my own healing journey.
Part 2: How I healed boredom
What I learnt along the way as I healed boredom with the ‘cup song’!
Part 1: How boredom affects healing
Understand how boredom is connected to healing and the state of our nervous systems.
A review of the recovery programmes that helped me heal from ME/CFS
A look at the programmes that helped me heal. Recovery is possible.
Why healing chronic illness looks different for everyone
The different aspects of healing that make our own journey so unique.
The value of coaching
What can coaching bring to your life? Use these journal prompts to decide if you’re ready.
How to release high expectations
Learn how to release high expectations and the pressure and tension along with it.
How to take a quick Self-Appreciation Break
Build self-esteem and self-belief with a self-appreciation break.
Recognising your needs
Learn to recognise your needs for empowerment, fulfilment and peace.
What does self-belief mean to me?
Define and grow your self-belief and strength, including 9 journal prompts.
Ways to respond to stress and build resilience
Learn how you can respond more compassionately and resiliently to stress.
Spring journaling prompts
Spend spring flourishing in alignment with your true self.
What does it mean to be your true self?
Unpicking the elements of connecting back to your true self.
Get to know yourself by labelling emotions
How has labelling my emotions helped me to get to know my truest self?
21 things to reconnect with my true self
A personal journey of what has helped me reconnect with my true self.
Do you really know yourself?
Recognise if you need to reconnect to your true self.